Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Back Too Mix Media

I have chosen mixed media as the rotation I go back too. I found myself the most intrigued to mixed media and that’s why I wanted to come back to it. I loved the lazer cutter last time I was in the rotation. So I wanted to come back to this and what went well with the lazer cutter so for example the living hinge. I have chosen the word ‘material Transitions’. The context in which I want to imagine my work being is fashion. I have been looking at textile artist such as iris van harper and looking at her collections the one which I found myself drawn to is her voltage collection and how they look when walking on the catwalk. Then I have been looking at sculptural fashion pieces on Pinterest which combine wood to create a sculptural garment. By looking at these I have this week gone to research how to create the certain living hinges so I can then go in my lazer session on Tuesday to go ahead and see which would be the best to take forward to see what shapes I can create with them. I have also found myself enjoying drawing again coming back to mix media I think from all the Friday drawing days it’s starting to show with the drawing I am now producing.

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