Wednesday, 18 May 2016


It was a sunny day to install our work on the rooftop. The whole day and night was a learning experience. Having to find a way of transporting my work to the rooftop was half done by car and then carrying on my head to the rooftop. Ensuring I have transport is definitely something I will plan if I was to create a large scale piece again. Installing the piece was quite straight forward. My group helped me with applying onto the boards due to it being the same size as me. I was happy that by having the opportunity to visit the rooftop multiple times I was able to get measurements correct for the boards.


I enjoyed the experience of working in a space and actually really enjoyed making for outdoors. This made me think more about the context I might work in for 3rd year. With being in an outdoor space I had to be careful when spray painting about my surroundings, making sure I protected what already existed. I also really enjoyed helping others once I was done installing, getting water for people- it really is fun working in a big team. I would definitely in the future want to work within a team, I think it brings out the best in me. It also improves how I work independently. When coming to take down the piece this wasn’t something I needed to do as they were happy for the work to stay, which was really nice and this is the first time I have not taken my work with me. I think this is because of what I set out to do at the beginning of this project, to not be too protective of my work and once one piece is done to move on and start something new.

During the rooftop event we as a group and individually got to speak to the architect ATOL and this was the highlight for me to get feedback about my work and to speak about my work. I really do believe I am progressing with this and the experience where we have the chance to do this I am really grateful for. I think this is why I like unit X so much, I much prefer to be in the outside world working. Like when I'm going into schools and doing talks. I feel much more confident. However, when speaking about my work I'm not confident and  think this is just because of my belief in my work and I really do think this showed when talking to Becca about it in her interview for her PHD. I would definitely like to stay in contact with her as she may need more help with this. If I was to do this project again I would love to have used the original boards. Also I think I would have enjoyed  creating furniture for the space. I also think I will definitely  do more fun drawing and combine it with shape as this was something I really enjoyed.

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