Friday, 8 May 2015

Modernnising Ideas and Creating Maquttes

After communicating with the group it was apparent that geometric sharp edged shapes were becoming a clear interest and direction for me and the group to work in. I particularly liked how angular a triangle is and how its features fit with are common ground. My main focus was to present something that the students from the art school would like and as art students at Manchester Metropolitan University me and the group decided that modern and futuristic styles are very current. The art school and the university buildings surrounding it are ether very modern or in the process of being modernised. We wanted to connect with this modernising approach. I started to research ways in which the simple shape of a triangle could be shown at its best.
Images Taken From Pintrest

I then from my ideas from my sketch book which are shown bleow started to make some maquettes based on these ideas using the material cardboard.

I found whilst doing these maquettes it wasn’t the best idea to use a material which I plan on not using because I wasn’t getting how the properties of the wood would react to the slots and being able to stand. Nevertheless it did help me to visualise how it would look and it was a great process for me to go on and create more designs. By using Facebook I uploaded the images of my maquettes and asked on their opinions. However the one they thought they liked the most weren’t practical in terms of construction. Through discussion we reached a compromise with the group on what would be a possible outcome.

Maqueetes From Designs

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