Friday 8 May 2015

Refinment to Illustration

Taking the design from my sketchbook to illustrator was a very frustrating and at some times worthy of giving up. However, from this process I have learnt far more than I ever thought I would. On my first attempt of the illustration, I just drawn the structure free hand without measurements and on a A4 board to work on. It was not until I went and asked for help with illustrator I realised how much I was going wrong. This also helped me to believe its ok to ask for help with your ideas for them to become a reality. My second attempt after making the structure fit the measurements of the wood made the lines not straight and not join however after learning how to do measurements and bring them on to illustrator it was then when I was seeing the difference in what I was doing. I learnt how to use pathfinder and the option to join which was useful to bring everything together and to create no gaps. Hope then realised after checking if it was good to go that the slots was in the wrong places she also brought up that the shelves need to be bigger than her prints so we then had to work together to get the measurements of her prints and bring them to the illustration. This was also a learning curve for Hope as she had to compromise with her prints and down size some of them. I found that having someone else who hasn’t been looking at your work and to have their perspective’s as group I have found that we are really helpful in telling each other what’s going right and what isn’t and I have found this really productive when doing this task.
Below is the process of refinment to my illustrations.

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