Friday 8 May 2015

Research Stages Part 1

At first research for the project was very wild and unclear in the direction I wanted my work to go. This is because I tend to get lots of ideas and find it hard to choose one and not to overcomplicate the situation.
The Process of refining ideas.
There was a clear underlying theme occurring within the group, especially from the archive trip to Blackpool for me, where the construction materials and structures were something I was interested in. It was also something members within my group also found intrest in.

Mood Board of Construction By Hope Mccall

From the talks by Luke Jurram scale was also something which had stuck in my mind. Jurram explained that scale has some importance in helping to draw people’s attention to your work. SCALE HELPS PEOPLE REMEMEMBER!
Nevertheless, I was still struggling to condense and refine my ideas.

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