Sunday 22 November 2015

Degree Show

Degree Show
Recently I visited the degree show and it really helped me to understand how different artists/designers present their work and how it looks all together. From visiting the degree show I realised that there is much more to the piece of work created for example a piece of clothing or a collection of fabric or even furniture. There is how you communicate that work across to the audience or the buyer. This might be through photography, Social media, Advertisement such a business cards and the overall image how does it look when presented all together.

All these little add ons make a big difference one could argue that it is not a add on and that they come as a package and help each other to create the final outcome. The degree show was a big learning curve for me instantly I was thinking of how they found their way of working and creating each look through each person’s work.  It is almost like an identity and I want to try and do that in the future try and find something I am passionate about which drives everything and which will make people think that work is from Lauren Hulme.

For example if my final products a print what am I doing with that? Am I showing it on the body or am I visualising it on furniture or just in imagery?

I think that is what I need to find out during this time off what is my context.

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