Today’s tutorial went really well still very happy with my
concept and how well its pushing what I do and she and my peers like the fact I
don’t have to stop with this concept it can be a ongoing concept which feeds
all projects and I was really happy to hear this as I think I can push this
concept even further. I need to Push materials and try different materials. So
After the tutorial I had the idea of squeezing playdough through my wooden
templates however in the end I did go with clay.
I now know why I never chose ceramics as a option and I pull my hat off to the craftsmen and woman who have cracked this skill.
Even though it didn’t go how I wanted it did bring out some
great textures and was a good risk take.
I don’t think clay will be something I use again until I
find a way to master it.
This week I have been doing sample development. I and Julie
had a clear favorite.
I really love how when working back into this design how the plastic was melting and creating new shapes. Also because of the design being at different heights it was amazing how the moon text design got confused and jumbled up of the form and I really am proud of how much this links to my concept.
Where I want to go next is to take my wooden templates and
work with jess on are collaboration in trying to create the embossing we said
we would do. Now that we have bought are materials to do this I can start the
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