Sunday, 22 November 2015

Week 5-Intentions

For this weeks tutorial I planned on getting all artist research documentation printed and shown on paper this has really helped to have in front of me and remember why I chose each artist it was brought up in tutorial that when I was showing these pages I skipped each mood board and didn’t expand on why I chose it and what I liked about them and after this I have gone back and wrote in my sketchbook the reasons why. I need to remember that whoever sees my work has no idea where ideas have come from and I need to show this. What I like from the artist Pablo lehmann Is that he has patterns within patterns and that they look like panels. Also the fact he is making small art based  furniture.



Also during this tutorial I and jess agreed on calibrating on working together to understand the idea of embossing and as I recently tried out the heat press with materials and using my wooden laser templates to do this. Image below shows the attempt with a yellow plastic material, I had this in the heat press for 6, 30 second slots and even though it is visible it isn’t has raised and visible as I imagined and when tried with the textured synthetic material it just started to burn.



After reflection I think that the material its self is far to thin and I need to be using much thicker material such as foam, sponge and other material with a thick property. So I look forward to working with jess.

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