Sunday 22 November 2015

Outreach Ambassador and Art Mentor

The past couple of week I have been having a very tight schedule. I have recently got the role of outreach ambassador which I am very proud off and excited to get involved. By being a outreach Ambassador it will allow me to get experience working with young pupils in primary and must importantly secondary. Gaining experience in presentation skills, working in schools, workshop training, Manchester higher programmes, primary events, Child protection training and also working with people with learning disabilities which I am even more excited to do.  I think this will give me a step closer to my dream job of being a teacher.
Also this year I have carried on working/volunteering for the arts mentoring programme which is based in the school of art. Already this year I have been to events like the GNCCF and many more.
Image of workshop
With being a art mentor I get opportunities to do out of school projects,workshop leader, summer school, Saturday art club, London and edlab.
Recently I have been collaborating with edlab and working with a girl called Abbie Douglas from 3D design on working on a set brief to design arts award pack which will then be sent to over primary schools in greater Manchester.

Z Arts Collaboration

 This has been really exciting to do and i have loved working with the staff and also having a deadline for this so close to my project deadline has meant me organising my time more.

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