Sunday, 22 November 2015

Reflection On CV Talk

For the past couple of month I have really focused with trying to build up connections with the outside world and trying to get as much experience as possible. From my student ambassador job, working in Oldham gallery and even volunteering with MSA’s Saturday art club where I took a group of 14-16 year old to GNCCF. It was a really good way of helping others get the confidence to speak to fellow craftsman and also myself it really pushed me to ask them questions on how they got where they are and where they get there inspiration from.


Working With Saturday Club
I also feel with all the experience I am gaining from jobs for students, student ambassador and art mentoring and volunteering at the gallery its really helped me with where I see myself in the next 5 years and where I see myself after my degree and how much I want to teach and help others achieve the best possible it brings a real pleasure and enjoyment.

I have recently applied for the outreach ambassador job which i hopefully become successful in and that will gain me even more experience with working with young people its become a real passion of mine. After the lecture we had on cvs its really put into perspective what other oppertunites are out there which I never knew about and how I need to start thing of getting all this experience into my cv so I went and asked for a meeting with emploabilty hub and in that meeting a got a plan of action done which is shown below .   

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