Sunday, 22 November 2015

Week 2-Intentions

This week has been a week of fighting and having to prove what I want to do.

I have developed a real passion for working with wood, I know wood isn’t the most viewed textile material, however I want to prove and show it can be. I hope to bring the textile techniques I have learnt so far and apply them to wood. I know it will be a challenge and this was also brought up in tutorial. Over the holidays, I really enjoyed working with print after seeing the chair in Manchester Art Gallery.

Manchester Art Gallery

I would like to combine print techniques with wood which then I would see placed in an interior setting, for example furniture. I would also like the same print design, which I have applied to wood to be repeated on fabric. To pull the whole thing together and I visualise this on a piece of furniture. I really loved the idea Julie came up with of having more textile materials embedded into the wood and it being revealed through the designs in the wood.

It was also brought to my attention during my tutorial that I like to work to an outcome and that is something which is important to me. However, I believe this is going to become a problem, as I am already worrying about being experiential and just thinking of how everything will look I intend to work more freely.

I showed one of my designs I sketched and illustrated in illustrator ‘1 in 10 ’ and how I intend to work with this design. I do like how it still has the texture of wood look however I do want to try out using hole shapes.

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