Sunday, 22 November 2015

Evaluation Intentions

During this intentions unit I have really developed a passion for working with a concept and most of all learning more about dyslexia and I think the way I have translated it across my samples has really come across over the past 8 weeks. Just thinking back in first year how much I use to over complicate my concept to now getting it across in a way where it might not even be visible what the context is has really made me proud. The fact that I gained so much new information and techniques from doing new workshops such as the wood workshop, Photography studio and creative suite studio it has really got me excited to progress this in the next unit. Loved working for a interior context. For the next project if I was to carry on with interiors I need to create more samples and developing more on the samples which work out. I also want to focus more on working with secondary students and combining my passion for interiors.
I want to investigate the vacuum former more and how I can progress this into different designs and how I can push this technique.
Like anything you get things which work and things which don’t. My Intentions for my ideas of embossing was consistent and in theory should of worked and I was prepared for creating the samples. However the materials gathered wasn't the right ones and unfortunately I didn't have time to try out more of a variety in materials and so for next time I would like to investigate this process more as I really liked making surface pattern.

Also during this unit I started of wanting to have a final image and that is really important to me however I didn’t get to do this as much as I would of liked to if I get a chance in the next project to expand on this then that would be really something to work with.

Below are 3 boards which best show my journey for this intentions Project.



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