Sunday, 22 November 2015

Wood workshop

At the beginning of this project  i had to prove and show the staff in the wood workshop that I need the workshop to enhance my work and the way I see myself working. This has been a real struggle for me. At first I was told that there is no room and the 3d students have priority of the workshop and I got really down about this so I decided to prove my point and made a case up to show that even though I am a textiles student the ideas I have now and hopefully for the future wouldn’t be a waste of their time and I did this!

I am really proud that I didn’t give up on what I believed in.

So during the induction of the wood workshop I learned how the machines work and what each machine can do.

Types of equipment;

·         Band Saw

·         Thret Saw

·         Dust Extraction

·         Wadkin Bandsaw

·         Startrite 502E

·         Internal Sander

·         Disc Sander

·         Pilla Drill

·         Laze

·         Hot Wire (Foam,Plastic.)

·         Plastic Former

The piece of equipment which really got me excited and interested was the plastic former and instantly got me thinking how I could apply it to my work.

During my time using this facility I have started to become confident in using the saws to cut my own wood to use, using the drills and also the vacuum former. I have really enjoyed using this and am constantly thinking of new ways to adapt what I make and how I can develop using the laser cutter and former together to create new surfaces.

My confidence isn’t the biggest yet on the other machines and at the moment I am only doing basic things however I am constantly going in trying things out and trying to boost my confidence.


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